What Are You Plugging Into This Year?
We’re in the middle of preparing to move into our new OrangeBall office. It’s a fresh build, starting from the ground up, and we’re partnering with the leasing company to create a space that fits us perfectly. Right now, it’s a work in progress—a bare-bones framework with lots of finishing touches still ahead.
Last week, while checking out one of the private offices, we noticed something was missing. The room hadn’t been wired for power outlets yet. Everything else in the space was coming together exactly as planned, but this particular office had nowhere to plug in. One quick conversation with the builder resolved it—it was just a matter of identifying where we wanted the outlets. But that moment sparked a bigger question for us…
What are we plugging into in 2025?
In both our personal and professional lives, everything starts with inputs. The things we allow in shape the energy, focus, and direction we bring to the table.
What we’re reading…
What we’re listening to…
What we’re watching…
The biggest input?
Who we’re hanging out with…
Have you ever heard, “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with”? If that’s true, we need to choose wisely. Being intentional about our inputs—rather than leaving them to chance—can make all the difference. It’s not just about asking, What am I allowing in? It’s also about asking, Is this serving me and where I want to go?
As we kick off this new year, it’s a perfect time to check your inputs. Are you like that unfinished office, missing key outlets to plug into? Or maybe you’ve already got some inputs in place, but they aren’t energizing or inspiring you the way they should.
Take a look around your life and make a list. Where are you plugging in today? Are there better inputs out there that align with your goals?
If you’re looking for ideas, we’ve got you covered. Whether it’s books, podcasts, or new ways to connect with people and communities, we’re here to help. Let’s talk and find some powerful inputs that can spark new growth in your 2025.
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OrangeBall Insights has always been a place to share ideas, explore our purpose and leadership, and chat a little bit about marketing. If this resonated and you’d like to receive weekly ways to bounce higher every day, subscribe here.