Want Success in 2023? Do the Work.
“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.” – Vince Lombardi
Looking at our clients and reflecting on the new year strategy and planning conversations we’ve been having with them and their teams, you all have some big goals for 2023. We’ve surrounded ourselves with partners who dream big, play bigger, and aren’t afraid of doing the work. It’s a great circle of people to be partnering with.
As we start the new year, there are stacks and stacks of goals and resolutions piled up all around us. We have business and professional goals, health and fitness goals, personal growth and relationship goals. Some are written down, and some live in our heads… All of them are designed to lead us to some version of success, which takes us back to what Lombardi said.
Translating his quote, the only way to create success is to do the work.
We live in a culture that wants shortcuts and quick wins. We get our cheeseburger at McDonald’s in a matter of seconds, packages magically appear on our doorsteps instantly, and we stream content on demand. Hasn’t anyone developed a way to do the same with our goals?
The shortest answer? No.
Whatever goals you have for this coming year, they are going to require you to show up and do the work. There is no way around that. To achieve whatever it is that you desire, you will have to apply consistent, long-term action and activity to make it happen. Work is the means to your desired end.
What does “the work” look like? It might include:
- Researching and gathering information about a particular subject or problem
- Planning and organizing tasks or projects
- Putting in the time and effort to learn new skills or knowledge
- Persisting through challenges and setbacks
- Seeking feedback and making adjustments as needed
- Collaborating with others to accomplish tasks or achieve goals
Today, as we start this new year, you might be in the honeymoon period with the work your goals will require. Like any relationship, though, the honeymoon will fade – and you will bump into a day where doing the work feels less exciting. “I don’t feel like it today.” When those words creep closer to the edge of your lips, and you’re about to say them out loud, stop yourself and ask this simple question…
“Are my goals important enough to do the work even when I don’t feel like it?”
2023 will require you to ask that question of yourself and your teams a few times before you reach your goals. How you answer it will dictate how far you get and will be a good signal as to whether you’re aligned and inspired by your goals – or not so much.
Here’s to great things in the New Year and doing the work in 2023!
Those strategy and planning conversations we mentioned above… We’d love to have those with you as well. If you’re looking at your 2023 marketing and are lacking direction, let’s connect. We’ll guide you through communicating who you are, what you do, and why anyone should care… all the way to achieving your goals for your brand in 2023. Let’s talk!
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OrangeBall Insights has always been a place to share ideas, explore our purpose and leadership, and chat a little bit about marketing. If this resonated and you’d like to receive weekly ways to bounce higher every day, subscribe here.