Using B.A.N.K. Personalities to Connect with Your Customers (All of Them)

Rare for the world we live in today, here’s something we can all agree on… Everyone makes buying decisions differently, based on their personality and the things they value. Not everyone makes purchasing choices based on the same driving forces.

With that in mind, what if you could create marketing messages that speak to all the different buying personalities simultaneously? Take your website or a landing page, for example. Can we create a digital page that engages all buyer personalities at once?

The answer is yes, and here’s a quick take on how to pull that off…

It begins with understanding what drives buying behavior. We were introduced to the book Why They Buy by Cheri Tree a handful of years ago. In the book, Cheri unpacks B.A.N.K., a validated method for predicting buyer behavior based on four distinct personalities:


This personality type values structure, systems, processes, and predictability. Stability is important to them, and knowing a solid plan in place matters. Partnering with a proven, trusted authority who keeps their word and follows the rules is valuable to them. A lack of structure, being late, and a disregard for rules turns them off.


Individuals with the Action type put flexibility, freedom, and winning on a pedestal. They value spontaneity and stimulation, and as the name states, taking action is essential. Making the most of every opportunity excites them, and they have a naturally competitive nature. They rebel against “this is how we’ve always done this” thinking and are turned off by low energy, too much time in the details, and a lack of confidence.


With a focus on community, authenticity, and personal growth, Nurture types care deeply about relationships. They crave interaction with groups and teams, are generally thoughtful and generous, and believe in the greater purpose. They desire positivity and are turned off by ego, lack of humility, and those who come across as only caring about themselves.


This individual values competence, accuracy, logic, and intelligence. They make their buying decisions based on research, facts, and reason – not emotions – and precision matters to them. Information is their friend, and they often do their own research before making decisions. They are turned off by chatter and small talk, a lack of data or expertise in a subject, and anything that underestimates their intelligence.

Knowing what drives each of these personalities and what turns each one of them off sets the foundation for where we go next. When it comes to a homepage or landing page, there’s no way to know for certain which one of these personalities is going to land on that content. Knowing that, it’s up to us to create messages that speak to each of these personalities.

Say you’re creating messaging for an accounting firm’s new homepage. Here’s an example of what that messaging could sound like…


“Reliable, Proven, and Predictable Accounting Services”

At [Your Accounting Firm], we understand the importance of a structured approach to managing your finances. Our team follows a meticulous process, ensuring every detail is covered and every deadline is met. With us, there are no surprises—just reliable, time-tested methods and a commitment to excellence. Our clients trust us to deliver consistent, accurate results, time and time again.

  • Service Process: Learn about our step-by-step approach to bookkeeping, tax preparation, and financial planning.
  • Client Testimonials: Hear from businesses like yours that have thrived with our structured support.
  • Proven Expertise: Discover how our decades of experience translate into your financial stability.


“Fast, Flexible, and Results-Driven Accounting Solutions”

Need to make swift financial decisions or pivot your strategy quickly? We’re here to help you stay agile and responsive in a fast-paced business world. Our team is always ready to take immediate action, delivering dynamic accounting solutions that keep you ahead of the curve. Let us help you capitalize on every opportunity and drive your business forward.

  • Quick Consultations: Get immediate advice and solutions from our team of experts.
  • Success Stories: Read about clients who have accelerated their growth with our proactive strategies.
  • Real-Time Insights: Access cutting-edge tools that give you a real-time view of your financials.


“Building Relationships, Not Just Balancing Books”

We believe that great accounting is about more than just numbers—it’s about people. At [Your Accounting Firm], we’re committed to building strong, lasting relationships with our clients. We take the time to understand your unique needs and goals, providing personalized service with a human touch. Our team is here to support you every step of the way, helping your business thrive and grow.

  • Meet Our Team: Get to know the friendly faces behind our firm.
  • Community Involvement: Learn how we’re making a positive impact in our community.
  • Client Stories: Discover how we’ve helped businesses like yours achieve their dreams.


“Expert Insights and Data-Driven Decisions”

When it comes to your finances, you need more than just surface-level advice. Our firm offers deep expertise backed by data and industry-leading research. We provide detailed analysis and clear insights to help you make informed decisions. From complex tax strategies to comprehensive financial planning, we have the knowledge you need to navigate any challenge with confidence.

  • Resources & Articles: Explore our library of white papers, case studies, and guides.
  • Detailed Service Breakdown: Understand the specifics of our tax, audit, and advisory services.
  • Certifications & Awards: See the credentials that make us a trusted authority in accounting.

The goal would be to create a page that takes these personality-focused messages, distills them down, and speaks to each individual in their own voice. Reading the examples above, you can quickly see what that might look like and, within each personality’s preferred messaging, what might sound comfortable and compelling to them.


Think about your own marketing messages and ask yourself this question. Are we speaking to customers in the voice that is most comfortable to us, or addressing all four voices equally? Often, we speak in a language that drives our decision-making, which only works if everyone makes their buying choices the same as we do. “BANKifying” your messages, on the other hand, allows you to meet everyone where they’re at.

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