Turning 13: OrangeBall Enters Its Teenage Years
Thirteen years. It feels like we just started yesterday, but here we are—officially stepping into our teenage years as an agency. And just like those teenage years we all remember, OrangeBall has experienced (and is still experiencing) some classic growing-up moments…
Growth Spurts & Growing Pains
Teenagers shoot up seemingly overnight, and businesses at this stage often experience similar surges. Sometimes it’s exciting; sometimes it’s awkward—like realizing your favorite jeans are suddenly high-water pants. We’ve outgrown things along the way, learned to stretch, and adapted to fit our next chapter.
Pimples & Outbreaks
Breakouts happen. So do business blemishes—mistakes, setbacks, and unexpected challenges. We’ve had our fair share, and if there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s this: no one makes it through the teenage years without a few pimples. They’re part of the process.
Awkward Phases
It’s not just the pimples. Teens go through weird, uncomfortable stages—hello, voice cracks and bad haircuts. Businesses do, too. We’ve had our share of awkward moments, refining our brand, figuring out who we are, and learning from past missteps. The key? Embracing the process and growing through it.
Identity Crisis
Teenagers spend years figuring out who they are—preppy, skater, nerd, jock, punk, or artist? Businesses do the same. At 13, we’re still refining our purpose and evolving our voice, getting even clearer on who we are and what we stand for.
More Responsibility
At 13, you’re no longer a little kid, but you’re not quite an adult either. A business at this stage has experience and wisdom but still plenty to learn. We’re taking on bigger challenges and new responsibilities while staying open to growth and change.
Independence & Rebellion
Teenagers start pushing boundaries, testing independence, and questioning the status quo. A 13-year-old business has a stronger sense of self—it’s less about proving we belong and more about confidently owning our space in the market. It’s also about challenging the “this is how it’s always been done” mindset, carving our own path, and finding better ways to do things.
The Need for a Strong Support System
Even the most independent teen needs mentors, friends, and family to help navigate the journey. As a business, we’re grateful for the team, customers, and partners who have helped us grow and evolve. We’ve been blessed with incredible mentors who have poured their wisdom into us, shaping the business we’ve become.
That’s who we are today—a teenager in business years. We’ve come a long way, and we’re still growing. It’s messy. It’s exciting. And we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Whether you’re in year one, five, or twenty, don’t forget to mark the moments. Growth isn’t always smooth, but every step is worth celebrating. It’s easy to get lost in the hustle, but taking time to reflect on how far you’ve come is just as important as looking ahead.
What stage is your business in right now? We’d love to hear about your journey!
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