The Art of Lifting Each Other Up
“Push to Elevate.” We’ve shared this idea in the past as one of our core values. Simply put, it captures OrangeBall’s focus on helping the people in our circle do great things and expanding how they define what great looks like. Here’s what we mean by these three simple words and how we can all make our circles better by applying this to our relationships…
Let’s start with some definitions. The word “push” alludes to adding some accountability to our relationships and helping move people out of their comfort zones. Sometimes it’s a gentle nudge, and other times it’s something slightly uncomfortable. The word “elevate” points to our desire to lift one another up and be a launchpad for results.
It began with a focus on our clients…
We want our clients to achieve success – that’s where “Push to Elevate” was born. When a client comes to us, they have an idea of what success looks like. In their mind, if they achieve A, B, and C, that will equal success.
It’s our job to do two things for them. First, help them clarify the details that make up their version of success, painting a vivid picture of A, B, and C. Second, and sometimes more important, we’re here to help them stretch what that definition of success is. What if we could achieve A, B, and C – and then add D? What if there was an opportunity to do more and go further? That’s the “Push” piece.
This is where the “Elevate” comes into play. The elevation happens when we take those stretched goals and turn them into realities. When we move from “What if we could…?” to “We did!”, that’s elevation. As a marketing firm helping clients, that can take many different forms, from developing a new website that generates more leads to creating digital ad campaigns that grab attention and writing clear messages that connect with prospects.
Here’s how “Push to Elevate” has evolved…
As we’ve been building our team, “Push to Elevate” has taken on a whole new meaning. For our staff, these same principles still apply. We exist to help our team members define what success means to them, both professionally and personally. We’re here to help them stretch themselves, what they believe they’re capable of, and the goals they think they can achieve. We’re also responsible for equipping them with our time and resources so they can elevate as part of the OrangeBall team.
Take this a step further. We have people in our network, not necessarily clients, who have become close friends and partners. This “Push to Elevate” mentality applies to them as well. This has shown up in amazing ways during this pandemic, as businesses and organizations have shown up to help one another get through the challenges and uncertainty.
And finally, on a more personal level, we’re responsible for our family and friends. “Push to Elevate” applies to those relationships just as much as our work and professional connections. As parents, we exist to train our kids, help them see all the possibilities, and elevate them toward their goals and dreams. The same applies to our spouses, partners, and friends.
One note as we close out this post… The “Push” element we’re sharing here, where we’re moving people out of their comfort zones and applying some accountability, requires trust. Relationships that don’t have some level of trust built into them will make pushing a little more challenging. If I trust you, I’ll know the push is coming from the right place. If I don’t, I may push back.
“Push to Elevate” is not just a nice “core values up on the wall” idea. If we make it part of who we are and how we show up, this concept can take on a life of its own. We can use it to impact our circles, the people we work with, and the world we live in. Find someone today and help them expand the potential they see. Then be that launchpad that helps elevate them to get there.
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