Find Ways to Say “Yes”

Getting ready to send my kids off to their first year of college, I’ve entered unfamiliar territory. Knowing that, I am asking everyone I can for their advice. Often, my question for other parents who have gone through this is, “What should I tell my kids as I prepare to drop them off?”

Yesterday, the response I got was simple and powerful.

“Tell them to find ways to say “yes” to things. They’re entering all-new territory and everything is going to seem scary and new. Walking through that starts with saying “yes” to some things.”

Remove my kids from the conversation for a bit and think about this…

Everything you’ve accomplished in your life that you are proud of started with saying “yes” to something.

  • You said “yes” to the new job.
  • You said “yes” to the first date.
  • You said “yes” to registering for the marathon.
  • You said “yes” to relocating to a new city.
  • You said “yes” to connecting over lunch.
  • You said “yes” to hiring the first employee… and the one after that.

Without the “yes,” none of these things that follow, the things you’re proud of, ever happen.

“Yes” is a spark. A catalyst. The ignition switch.

Can you say “yes” too often, starting too many things? Sure, there’s a place for saying “no.” Often, though, we don’t say “yes” enough.

Why? Doors open in front of us, but fear holds us back. “No” feels safe, and “yes” is scary. It requires us to step into the uncomfortable. Often, it calls on us to let go of what we know and step into the unknown.


Find something to say “yes” to. Don’t say “yes” to everything, but give one thing a firm “yes” response and see where it takes you.

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