Remember Where You Started and Look How Far You’ve Come
Facing upcoming challenges can be overwhelming, but take a moment to look back. Remember the challenges you faced this year, and how far you've come...
Facing upcoming challenges can be overwhelming, but take a moment to look back. Remember the challenges you faced this year, and how far you've come...
Are you still in your bubble trying to solve your challenges? Do you want to get unstuck?
"You need to treat this like you're McDonald's, where every time I walk through the doors, no matter where I'm at, the burger and fries taste the same."
Certain species of pine trees have serotinous cones, the kind that only release their seeds after there’s been a fire. As we experience our own fires and challenges, we can learn a few things from the forest…
Today’s message is simple…
When time is spent looking in the rear-view, it can be easy to fixate on what didn't go well. What about your highlight reel, have you made time to reflect on that as well?
The challenges you've encountered, endured, and been exposed to. Let them know they're not alone, and you'll be surprised what might happen...
It pays to pay attention to themes and patterns that keep popping up. Over the last week, a handful of powerful conversations have popped up around how we show up during uncertain times...
In a recent meeting, a friend brought up the concept of Inversion Thinking. Wait, what is that?
It's John here from OrangeBall. I have a question for you… What's your greatest superpower?