25 09, 2019

It might not work… OR it might!

By |2019-09-25T16:45:57-05:00September 25th, 2019|

One of the reasons we're excited to get out of bed each day is that our clients are just plain awesome. They radiate positivity, goodness, and just an all-around great outlook on the world and how they’re going to impact it through their work. They’re not the ones being sucked in by the dark noise. Yesterday, spending some time with one of them to discuss their vision for the future, they shared this with a twinkle in their eye…

18 09, 2019

100% Not 99%

By |2019-09-18T15:14:31-05:00September 18th, 2019|

Someone once shared that it is easier to do something 100% of the time rather than 99%. Yes, 99% is good, but there is something powerful about consistency. That’s an easy conversation to have when you have time on your hands, the creativity is flowing, and you’re in your element. When you’re extra busy, there’s a large project on your plate, or you’re in a state of transition, staying consistent can be a lot harder. We’re going to keep this short (because today is a busy day) and get right to the point. 
Here’s why consistency matters...

11 09, 2019

Finish What You Start

By |2019-09-12T09:36:38-05:00September 11th, 2019|

Finish what you start. Reading that, a project you’ve been working on for a while probably popped into your head – that thing you need to finish. We all have one, personal or professional. It’s the “blood, sweat, and tears” thing you’ve been focusing on, the one that all of the other responsibilities keep derailing, the project that needs to cross the finish line. Here’s how we’ve kept putting one foot in front of the other, and a few things that will help and motivate you as well...

4 09, 2019

Where’s Your Focus: Your Competitors or Your Customers?

By |2019-09-04T17:00:19-05:00September 4th, 2019|

We believe that where we focus our energy dictates our results. Sitting with a client the other day, this belief drove our conversation. Our discussion briefly touched on their competitors in the marketplace. We intentionally kept that part of our conversation short. Here’s why we did that, and where we shifted our attention instead…

28 08, 2019

Successfully Transitioning From One Season to the Next

By |2019-08-28T14:36:13-05:00August 28th, 2019|

Walking into our office this morning, we’re seeing the first few leaves changing color on the maple tree across the street. Soon, the green will be replaced by vibrant shades of orange and red. Our kids are preparing to go back to school, the Minnesota State Fair is open, and pre-season football is in full force. It’s the signal of one season ending and another arriving… a time of transition. Looking back on the last season and forward to the next, it’s a time for beginnings, endings, and “continuings.” We’re asking ourselves three simple questions...

21 08, 2019

Everything Starts with Imagination

By |2019-08-21T16:57:32-05:00August 21st, 2019|

As a marketing firm, we spend a lot of time talking about creativity. It’s a great word, and we’ve even included it as part of our name – we feel it’s that important to what we do. Creativity was one of the 3C’s we built our agency off of, along with Consistency and Connections. We love the word. However, there’s another word that's often tied to creativity, and it may be even more powerful… Imagination. Let’s dive into why this word matters so much...

7 08, 2019

Using Our Business to Push Back the Negativity

By |2019-08-07T15:22:42-05:00August 7th, 2019|

No matter where you get your news – online, TV, or radio – the constant stream of negativity is crushing. Terms like massacre, carnage, and terror are commonplace. It’s called “Breaking News” because it’s breaking our hearts. Our friends at Good Leadership refer to this as the “dark noise.” They challenged us recently in their own blog to help be the ones who rewrite the headlines. So as businesses and organizations, teams and coworkers, what’s our role in creating that change? Here’s where we fit...

31 07, 2019

Where Empathy Fits at Work

By |2019-07-31T12:01:12-05:00July 31st, 2019|

For each of us, you and our team here at OrangeBall, work is only a part of our lives. On the other side, once our 9-5 or 7-7 ends, there’s another side to our lives that our coworkers and clients never see. When we walk out the door, we become spouses and parents, siblings and friends, and our responsibilities shift depending on the roles we are stepping into. This past week has been a reminder that all those pieces fit together like a puzzle, and that in the middle of that puzzle sits empathy.

24 07, 2019

My Brother’s Friend’s Aunt’s Son Knows How to Do That…

By |2019-07-24T12:06:25-05:00July 24th, 2019|

Whether it’s developing a website, creating a new logo, or writing copy and designing your sell sheets, we all know someone with some basic skills. “Our neighbor’s high school daughter is a whiz and good with computers.” In the age of DIY everything and solutions like WIX, Squarespace and Fiverr, it’s easy to think that creating your own marketing (or having your cousin’s neighbor’s nephew do it) is an OK idea. Fact: OK ideas generate OK results. Here are 4 characteristics to look for when selecting a valued partner, in any industry.

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