Welcome to Your Fourth Quarter
We've reached that time of year when we all buckle back down. What are you going to do with this final quarter to make it count?
We've reached that time of year when we all buckle back down. What are you going to do with this final quarter to make it count?
“In the middle of a challenging situation, someone came to one of our leaders looking for a solution. Instead of simply telling them what to do, they asked this simple question. 'What do you think we should do?'"
Navy Seals pass through a challenge called Land Portage. They work in groups of 6-7 to carry a 300-pound boat on their heads, running across soft sand for about five miles as it rubs on their scalps. This might not sound that bad, but Land Portage is often referred to as one of the hardest and most excruciating challenges a SEAL faces. Here's what makes Land Portage even tougher… when someone on the team starts "boat ducking."
Often, in our businesses, careers, and personal lives, we catch ourselves looking backward, obsessing over missed opportunities and decisions, thinking, "I wish I had done that differently." Knowing we can't go back in time, what do we do with those regrets?
When you're in our business, you get to see what's going on behind the scenes in many businesses. Over and over again, there's one challenge we see more than any other...
Metrics… Data… ROI… Within business and marketing circles, we're all looking for ways to measure success. What about areas where success is harder to track? What about brand awareness?
When we were developing our core values, we experienced a few lightbulb moments. One of those moments happened when we landed on “Ask to Listen” as a value that is core to who we are as a brand. As with all six of our core values, this one has two parts. There’s the asking part and the listening part. We call it the Ask to Listen Loop.
Think about your favorite song for a moment. Even better, pull it up and let it play in the background while you read this blog...
As a team at OrangeBall, we want to win. Does hearing that make you uncomfortable?
From the inception of any new idea, the launch of a new business, or the moment when we try something new for the first time, risk is involved. What does it take to be the one who defies the odds?