Using Our Business to Push Back the Negativity

No matter where you get your news – online, TV, or radio – the constant stream of negativity is crushing. Terms like massacre, carnage, and terror are commonplace. It’s called “Breaking News” because it’s breaking our hearts. Our friends at Good Leadership refer to this as the “dark noise.” They challenged us recently in their own blog to help be the ones who rewrite the headlines. So as businesses and organizations, teams and coworkers, what’s our role in creating that change? Here’s where we fit...

By |2019-08-07T15:22:42-05:00August 7th, 2019|

Where Empathy Fits at Work

For each of us, you and our team here at OrangeBall, work is only a part of our lives. On the other side, once our 9-5 or 7-7 ends, there’s another side to our lives that our coworkers and clients never see. When we walk out the door, we become spouses and parents, siblings and friends, and our responsibilities shift depending on the roles we are stepping into. This past week has been a reminder that all those pieces fit together like a puzzle, and that in the middle of that puzzle sits empathy.

By |2019-07-31T12:01:12-05:00July 31st, 2019|

My Brother’s Friend’s Aunt’s Son Knows How to Do That…

Whether it’s developing a website, creating a new logo, or writing copy and designing your sell sheets, we all know someone with some basic skills. “Our neighbor’s high school daughter is a whiz and good with computers.” In the age of DIY everything and solutions like WIX, Squarespace and Fiverr, it’s easy to think that creating your own marketing (or having your cousin’s neighbor’s nephew do it) is an OK idea. Fact: OK ideas generate OK results. Here are 4 characteristics to look for when selecting a valued partner, in any industry.

By |2019-07-24T12:06:25-05:00July 24th, 2019|

Patience is a Virtue

Patience. It’s something we can all agree is noble. “Patience is a virtue.” That has a nice ring to it. It’s great in concept, unless you’re in that middle space where you’re having to BE patient every day. Then, patience can take on some other feelings. Frustrating, discouraging, held back… So how do you keep moving forward in those middle moments where you feel stuck and held back?

By |2019-07-17T17:53:49-05:00July 17th, 2019|

The Mission Behind Your Mission

As we’re working with clients, our main focus is on making sure their marketing messages are engaging and reflective of their values. Part of this conversation almost always includes their mission statement. You can usually find these mission statements up on a wall somewhere prominent in their building where customers can see it, and teams can walk past it every day. But, when we pull staff into a conference room and ask them about it, even if they can remember it or repeat their mission statement, many don’t FEEL it.

By |2019-07-09T13:49:58-05:00July 10th, 2019|

Taking a Moment to Celebrate Who We Are Together

It seems fitting, with the Fourth of July just around the corner, to take a moment and celebrate America. As in, to celebrate all of us, you and I. Americans. No matter where you fall along the political divide we’re experiencing, one thing we can agree on is that when we come together, we can do anything. We know this is true because we see it every day...

By |2019-07-03T14:30:29-05:00July 3rd, 2019|

Changing “There’s Not Enough” to “There’s More Than Enough”

For a while, the concept of an abundance mindset seemed soft. There was no way you could simply think abundance into existence. It didn’t make sense. What changed that mindset for us was the realization that the thoughts we were already thinking were pretty powerful, and they weren’t all good. Here are some of the things we were thinking (and how we altered them)...

By |2019-06-26T07:04:48-05:00June 25th, 2019|
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