If You Don’t Invest The Time, Who Will?

Last week we hosted sixty businesses and non-profit leaders in an off-site marketing Bootcamp. These leaders chose to invest a full day of uninterrupted time to their marketing and brand messages for 2020. They are the outliers – the ones who decided to work on their business instead of getting wrapped up in it. The fact that they left their to-do lists behind for a day to clarify how they’re talking to their customers is a big deal. Here’s why...

By |2020-01-15T16:56:08-06:00January 15th, 2020|

Strengths vs. Shortcomings

There’s a lot going on in the world today. We’ve all been bombarded by the dark noise on the news and experienced the division that’s threatening to tear us apart. It feels like there’s an energy in the world today working to pull us down and separate us. It can be easy to feel helpless. As individuals, can one person really make a difference? And as businesses, is battling the dark noise our responsibility? Our answer to both of those questions is simple. Yes.

By |2020-01-13T11:41:48-06:00January 8th, 2020|

Bringing Positivity to 2020

There’s a lot going on in the world today. We’ve all been bombarded by the dark noise on the news and experienced the division that’s threatening to tear us apart. It feels like there’s an energy in the world today working to pull us down and separate us. It can be easy to feel helpless. As individuals, can one person really make a difference? And as businesses, is battling the dark noise our responsibility? Our answer to both of those questions is simple. Yes.

By |2019-12-18T14:47:45-06:00December 18th, 2019|

When We Need Help Asking for Help

“I’ve never been one to ask for help. If I need a mountain moved, I move it myself.” These song lyrics caught our attention the other day. For many of us, this “DIY” mindset is a rut that it can be really easy to slip into. Asking for help can feel like admitting we’re inadequate, weak, or simply not capable. But what if, instead of asking for help being associated with weakness, it became our greatest strength? Enjoy this quick message on the power of help and how it can impact all of us together...

By |2019-12-10T12:47:14-06:00December 10th, 2019|

An Uber Is Coming, and You Have Two Minutes…

We recently got hooked on a podcast that's been around for a while called StartUp. It’s the story of launching Gimlet Media, an award-winning podcasting platform in Brooklyn, founded in 2014. The Startup podcast is built on the early recorded conversations of founder Alex Blumberg. He records his meetings, his pitches, the conversations with his wife. One of the recorded conversations was his pitch to tech investor Chris Sacca who you may know from Shark Tank. The pitch goes terrible, and Chris stops it with this one question…

By |2019-12-04T12:26:28-06:00December 4th, 2019|

Resilience Wins… And Here Are 3 Ways to Create It

A good friend of ours stopped into the office the other day. He’s one of our favorite people to be around and a past client. Why a past client, and not a current one? Life handed him some challenges – hard left turns, curveballs, and washed-out bridges. We’ve all experienced them on some level. In his story, he ended up closing his business and taking the past year to reflect and regroup. That’s why he was sitting in our office. He was ready to start again. As we sat at our conference room table, and he shared the path he was on, one statement stood out more than the rest…

By |2019-11-14T11:11:55-06:00November 14th, 2019|

Fishing for Leads

Whether you’re chasing new leads for your business, trying to attract new employees, or working to connect with donors as a non-profit, the process can feel a lot like fishing. Here’s what we mean... Let’s start here. You buy a brand new fishing lure. It’s shiny, colorful, it wiggles just the right way, and the hooks are sharp. You’re ready to fish, right? It’s not quite that simple...

By |2019-11-06T15:58:05-06:00November 6th, 2019|

Let’s Go Deep… Why Do You Exist?

Purpose. The dictionary defines it as "the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists." Don't pass by that thought too fast – think about what that statement means for a moment. Based on that definition, purpose is the entire reason we exist. It's why we show up. It's what gets us out of bed in the morning and drives how we spend our waking hours. Soak that up, ponder it, and then answer these three questions..

By |2019-10-30T17:26:39-05:00October 30th, 2019|
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