Pick One Thing…

As we're all looking ahead toward the new year, and thinking about how 2021 will be different than the year we're leaving behind, here's a challenge for each of you: Choose one thing you will do this coming year to grow your marketing. Many times, it can be easy to get overwhelmed by all the options. Instead, pick just one thing, commit to it, and use it to kickstart your 2021. You don’t have to do EVERYTHING – just do ONE thing.

By |2020-12-30T17:16:26-06:00December 30th, 2020|

Joy to the World

Christmas is a time of joy and anticipation – it’s a special time for us as we prepare for the birth of a savior. This year, whether you share that faith or not, the yearning for joy is something we all share. Coming out of 2020, we could all use a little more of it… so where do we find it?

By |2020-12-23T11:23:54-06:00December 23rd, 2020|

What Habit Would You Be Willing to Repeat One Hundred Times?

Today, as you're reading this, you are enjoying OrangeBall Insight's 100th blog post. For the last two years, we've shared conversations we've had with people just like you, the lessons we've picked up running our own business, insights on marketing and content, and some random thoughts that don't fit into any bucket at all.

By |2020-12-23T11:26:54-06:00December 16th, 2020|

Moving From a Minivan to a Tesla

“It’s time for a new website. I see it like this… I used to drive up to meet clients in my family minivan. Then I thought about it, and I realized that maybe a guy who works in tech should be pulling up in some tech. Today, I pull up in a Tesla. My only problem now? My website is still a minivan. I want a Tesla for a website.”

By |2020-11-18T14:10:56-06:00November 18th, 2020|

Finding 2020’s Silver Linings

“Be thankful for the ups and downs. What negative experience has brought you something good?” We wrote that back in 2019 (right about this time of year, in fact) as we were preparing our 2020 Bounce calendar, specifically for the month of November. The theme of the full desk calendar was “Challenging you to bring positivity to 2020!” We had no idea then what that would mean today…

By |2020-11-11T14:59:52-06:00November 11th, 2020|

Wednesday in America

It's Wednesday… the day after elections in America. Full disclosure – we wrote message before we knew the outcome. This is being crafted with full blinders on. Whatever happened yesterday, right now roughly half of you are excited about the outcome and the direction things are trending. The other half of you are dismayed, upset, and all-around disappointed in the results. There's a chance that even now, as you're reading this, we still have no idea who won. Here's what we do know, without a shadow of a doubt...

By |2020-11-04T16:04:25-06:00November 4th, 2020|
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