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Double Down or Pull Back?

Turn on the news, and you’ll immediately be overwhelmed with the noise… the topics of inflation, interest rates, and instability are blowing up right now. Everyone is trying to figure out if we’re in a recession or not. Negativity sells, and right now, there’s plenty of pessimism and fear to go around. Just get in line. As an agency, we can’t tell you if this is a recession or how interest rates will impact borrowing… However, we have been in the game long enough to know that from a marketing perspective, two camps are forming. So what camp will you be in?

By |2022-08-03T15:50:26-05:00August 3rd, 2022|

Resist Becoming a Commodity: The Power of Your Value-Add

Whatever product or service you're pitching, someone else is delivering it as well. In that environment, where most of us spend our time, it can be easy to backslide and become a commodity in the eyes of your customers. What do we mean by a commodity? In the definition we're leaning into, your brand becoming a commodity means being seen as "a mass-produced unspecialized product."

By |2023-04-27T09:18:27-05:00April 26th, 2023|

Your Greatest Asset Is Your…

Of all the things you can bring to your work, no matter what role you have within your organization, what’s the greatest asset you can possess? Some might say it’s their knowledge or expertise. Others might call out their leadership ability or specific skill they possess. All of those answers could be right, but what’s the most valuable asset any of us can bring to the table?

By |2022-06-22T14:40:11-05:00June 22nd, 2022|
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