Pick One Thing…

As we’re all looking ahead toward the new year, and thinking about how 2021 will be different than the year we’re leaving behind, here’s a challenge for each of you: Choose one thing you will do this coming year to grow your marketing. Many times, it can be easy to get overwhelmed by all the options. Instead, pick just one thing, commit to it, and use it to kickstart your 2021. You don’t have to do EVERYTHING – just do ONE thing.

Some ideas for you to consider…

Start a Blog – Just like OrangeBall Insights, a blog like this one is a great way to let your customers and prospects alike get to know you. We’ve used Insights as a way to talk about more than just marketing. We’ve shared our core values, what gets us out of bed in the morning, lessons we’ve learned, and the challenges we’ve encountered. It’s also been an excellent tool for staying top-of-mind with each of you – a simple weekly reminder that we’re here when you need us.

Here’s an idea… Launch your blog and post something every other week, or even just once a month. Start slow, give yourself some time to build this skill, and every time you create a new post, email your community, and hit them up on social to invite them into your world.

Get More Active on Social – A lot like starting a blog, that extra activity on social is a great way to introduce your brand to customers and stay engaged with new prospects. We should all be posting a little more of what we’re up to, the projects we’re working on, and the impact we’re creating – but that’s not all. The other opportunity these channels provide, from Instagram to LinkedIn, involves commenting, connecting, and getting involved in the online conversations. These platforms are great for networking, meeting new people, and building relationships.

Here’s an idea… Choose to post something at least three times each week. If you’re already doing that, stretch yourself a bit further. Choose 3-4 topics that will interest your audience and start sharing.

Record Yourself on Video – The best thing to come out of this past year is a new comfortability with using tech and seeing ourselves online. Perfection and production are no longer the only measuring stick. We’ve seen clients and friends leverage authenticity and their real-life experiences over the last few months, sharing videos they recorded on their phones and computers. Putting a face to a name is still a winning concept, and using video to accomplish that is a strategy we should all consider.

Here’s an idea… Grab your phone, and record what’s going on in your world. Your excitement about a new client meeting, a new project you’re working on, even something with your kids or pets that showcases your current work/life blending. Think about the experiences you’re having today that other people share in their lives, and talk about that. Do it once a week to start. Keep it short, and use social and YouTube to share it.

Send Something in the Mail – There’s still something special about getting a card or package in the mail. The heart skips a beat as we’re opening the envelope or box. What’s inside? Whether we’re sending a simple note to say thank you or hello, a printed article we found online that might be of value, or some kind of gift, using the mail as a way to build relationships is an underutilized way to connect.

Here’s an idea… Grab some simple cards and envelopes that you like and fit your personality. Pick three people you haven’t connected with in a while, and write them a quick note. Not a novel, just a note. Seal that envelope, slap on a stamp, and drop it in the mail. It’s that easy!

You might be reading this and thinking to yourself, “I should have started this in 2020.” You’re right, you should have… but you didn’t. Big deal. Do it now! What are you waiting for? Don’t get to the end of this new year only to say again, “I should have started this in 2021.”


These are just a few ideas to help you kickstart your year. Our challenge to you is to pick one thing that seems like a good fit or a wide-open opportunity… and then, do it! Commit to it, build one of your 2021 goals around it, add it to your calendar, and ask someone to hold you accountable to it. Include friends and colleagues if you can, and work on it together as a team.

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OrangeBall Insights has always been a place to share ideas, explore our purpose and leadership, and chat a little bit about marketing. If this resonated and you’d like to receive weekly ways to bounce higher every day, subscribe here.