3 Reasons Minnesota Nice is a Terrible Marketing Strategy
We are Minnesota Nice. Stereotypical or not, as Minnesotans we’ve embraced it. We hate to make a fuss, dodge the center of attention, and view understatement as something to be elevated. Yes, we are nice. Possibly the nicest people in America, depending on who you ask. It’s a badge of honor.
That’s all fine and good, but here are three reasons that Minnesota Nice makes for a terrible marketing strategy…
“I hate to bother you…”
This is an easy place to start. As a business or organization, if you believe in the value of the product or service you’re selling, you’re not bothering anyone! You’re helping them! Quit approaching your marketing as something that’s bothering your customers, and stop being apologetic about the fact that you have a solution that can make their world better. Own the outcomes you can deliver and all the ways you can improve their lives. Be bold with your marketing and let your clients and prospects know what kind of positive impact you can create for them.
“I don’t mean to brag…”
Mom taught us all not to brag, and so in Minnesota, we downplay and minimize our accomplishments as not to offend. Here’s the problem with that. Your competitors (and we all have them) are spending their time and energy convincing the world why they’re unique and the right choice. If you’re afraid to talk about what differentiates you and makes you the better option, customers will choose them. Be confident with your marketing, brag a little, and let your clients and prospects know all the reasons they should consider you as their best option.
“I hate to ask again…”
The Minnesota Nice approach to marketing says that you should ask once, and then wait for a response. Never pester. The reality is that your customer or prospect might need to hear from you multiple times before they decide to dive in and explore how you can help them. Maybe they were busy putting out fires when your first email hit their inbox, or perhaps they weren’t in the market for what you were offering in that moment. Asking again, and working to stay top-of-mind, is the only way to make sure they’ll think of you when they’re ready to engage. Ask, and then ask again, just don’t harass. There’s a difference.
Minnesota Nice is, well, nice. But, when it comes to your marketing, it’s time to dig deep into how you’re communicating, differentiating your business or organization, and connecting with your audience. Stay humble, but remember that marketing is your opportunity to brag a little as well.